Monday, November 16, 2009

DCist had just been wondering when the city was going to get around to raising awareness about the impending 5 cent disposable bag fee, which goes into effect in January 1, 2010, and lo and behold, the “Skip the Bag, Save the River” Education Campaign press release landed in our inbox today.

You can find the bulk of the campaign literature at, but the here's the highlights: 122,000 reusable bags will be given away for free to low-income residents and seniors, and TV, radio and Metro display advertisements should start running soon.

"Our message is simple: the bag fee is coming," Mayor Fenty said in a statement. "I signed this law in July to cut down on the disposable bags that foul our waterways. But we want everyone to know that you can save the river, and 5 cents, if you bring your own reusable bag to the store instead."

The mayor also announced today that the District Department of the Environment has partnered with CVS/pharmacy and Safeway to help promote public awareness of the coming bag fee. Both chains have agreed to distribute additional free reusable bags, CVS/pharmacy is contributing Green Bag Tag cards, which give CVS ExtraCare members $1 back every four times they reuse a bag.

via DCist

I know that LC, Wise and I all use recyclable bags when we go shopping. I even received one from Chegg that I keep in my purse just in case I pick up something while I'm out. I think that this is something that EVERYONE can participate in as far as the DC Green movement goes. I mean how many little plastic bags can one collect and not use before you just give up and throw them away?

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